End of historic US highway 227 |
Originally the north end of US 227 was at US 27-68 in Paris. This photo was looking northeast on Main Street at 10th Street; today Main is eastbound Business 68. Mainline 68 and 27 both follow a bypass around the northwest side of town now, but originally this was mainline US 27-68 (and Main carried both directions). So to the right on 10th was the north beginning of US 227:
That endpoint did not last long: two years later the north end of US 227 was extended to Carrollton, via a somewhat convoluted route that crossed to the opposite side of US 25:
In 1964, concurrent to the building of I-75, a new route was constructed between White Hall and Winchester. When that road was built, the designations were reversed. The new route between White Hall and Boonesboro became US 227; the old road between Richmond and Boonesboro became KY 388:
This shot was looking north on US 25-421. US 227 began to the right, but ever since it was decommissioned in 1972, to the right has been the south beginning of KY 627:
It was probably a direct result of AASHO's 1970 attempt to encourage the elimination of intra-state US routes that Kentucky requested the deletion of the US 227 designation, as evidenced by the verbiage of that agenda item, reproduced here from the minutes of their June 1972 meeting:
Research and/or photo credits: H.B. Elkins; Dale Sanderson; Michael Summa
Page originally created 2002;
last updated June 30, 2020.
last updated June 30, 2020.