Historic US highway endpoint in Greeley, CO
Today 8th Av serves as the north-south business loop, but before today's US 85 bypass was built, it was mainline US 85. So -- starting in 1927, and for about four years -- that was the west end of US 38. Then, from about 1932 to 1937, US 6 ended there:
When US 6 was changed to run through Denver and on to California, this road became US 34. (But US 34 never ended there: when it was extended to Greeley, it continued west through Loveland and Estes Park and over Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park, ending in Granby CO.)
By the time the photo above was taken, the sign directing US 34 traffic to the right was incorrect. Business 34 does head north on 8th Av (and then west again on 10th Street). But mainline US 34 is routed onto a newer bypass, which is about a mile south (left) from there. But at least it was better than what was there by 2006: that entire assembly had been removed, with no replacement. Here are a couple photos from northbound 8th Av (old US 85):
Research and/or photo credits: Dale Sanderson
Page originally created 1998;
last updated Apr. 27, 2016.
last updated Apr. 27, 2016.