End of US highway 89 (north segment)
(not to be confused with the separate southern segment of US 89)
Mileage: in 1989 AASHTO listed a figure of 404 miles for the north segment of US 89. Our own 2020 measurement yielded 399.7 miles (reroutings and realignments likely explain the difference).
In 1934 the north segment of US 89 was commissioned. Ever since, its north terminus has been on the Canada border in Montana, at a port of entry called Piegan. The south end is in Gardiner MT, at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park. (US 89 does not exist within Yellowstone National Park, and although the route is implied to run through Yellowstone, the Park divides US 89 into two separate segments.)
Research and/or photo credits: Dale Sanderson; Michael Summa
Page originally created 1999;
last updated Dec. 18, 2023.
last updated Dec. 18, 2023.