That remained the case for over 20 years. During that time, the road ahead did not exist. In order to continue east towards Sunbury, a driver would have to turn left at that junction, cross Cay Creek via US 17, and then turn east again on Martin Road. I-95 was completed through this area in about 1976, but US 82 was not immediately extended to the Midway interchange. The road ahead was constructed as GA 707, and as soon as it was complete in 1979, the US 82 designation was extended east to I-95's exit 76:
Here is that approved agenda item from the minutes of AASHTO's meeting in June of that year (note that SR 707 was mistyped as "70"):
Then in 1989 a new bypass was built around Waycross GA. In order for the entire bypass to carry the US 1-23-82 designations, it was necessary to switch the US 82 and US 84 designations east of Waycross. So from that time on, US 84 has ended at Midway. These photos were taken looking east at that interchange; at the time "End" assemblies were posted both before and after the overpass:
Research and/or photo credits: Karin and Martin Karner; Keith Laney; J.P. Nasiatka; Alex Nitzman; Greg Osbaldeston; Dale Sanderson; Steve Williams
Page originally created 1999;
last updated Mar. 22, 2020.
last updated Mar. 22, 2020.