Historic US highway endpoints in Kingman, AZ
In 1936, US 66 was still using its original route through town. Traffic came in heading southwest on Front Street (now Andy Devine Avenue), but then turned south on 4th Street, leaving town via Old Trails Road. Historically there was a large promotional sign strung across the intersection of 4th and Front, such that it was visible to travelers on both eastbound and westbound US 66...
...and beyond that, the "Hotel Beale" sign was also oriented to that same intersection. That photo was taken looking west on Front, so US 66 traffic continued to the left on 4th, but straight ahead was the beginning of US 93-466. Apparently that arrangement lasted for only a few years, because sometime around 1940, US 66 was changed to follow Front all the way through town before angling south on the road that parallels modern-day I-40. In other words, US 66 began using about five blocks of what had previously been US 93-466, so those designations were truncated accordingly.
To the right was formerly a slipramp connecting to westbound US 66, while travelers wanting eastbound US 66 would continue straight ahead for a short distance before curving to the right, through the park. But later that dual connection was replaced with a single connector road:
The cross street is Andy Devine, or the "later" alignment of Route 66. US 93-466 may have ended here for a few years, but by 1965 the US 93 designation was extended further south from Kingman, and then in 1969 AZDoT eliminated the US 466 designation in their state.
Research and/or photo credits: Alan Hamilton; Mike Roberson; Dale Sanderson
Page originally created 2004;
last updated Nov. 6, 2016.
last updated Nov. 6, 2016.