Online Portfolio
Informational graphic designUsing Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, I designed this multi-piece instructional tool, intended to help educators present a proportionally-accurate display of our Solar System. Click to view an image showing the full set of panels (and then click that image to view it at a legible size.)
Website copy writingThis link goes to one of several hundreds of web pages I have researched and written. This is one of the more recent pages, and it is also one that I have transferred to a mobile-friendly format.
Long document formattingI created this annual report for a statewide transit organization. I used Adobe InDesign to place their images and flow in their text, applying character/paragraph styles. I also did preflighting and created the press-ready PDF.
More InDesign workThe primary function of my workgroup at Dex was to produce the local community sections in telephone directories. These consisted primarily of informational graphics and regulatory informational text; we used Illustrator and Photoshop for graphics, and InDesign for layout. This link goes to a representative sampling of our work.